Large Munsterlander Database
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NORD JV-03 Engaviddens Enga

Registration#: S23597/2003
Sex: female
Date of Birth: 4 MAR 2003
Country of Birth: Sweden
Country of Standing: Sweden
Color: Black/White

COI 8 gen: 3.085% Calculate COI again
Pedigree Analysis: 8 gen. 9 gen. 10 gen.
Maria Forss, Sweden
Maria Forss, Sweden
Some medical information:
Hips: HD-A
Elbows: UA (0/0)

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NORD JV-03 Engaviddens Enga

Markpr. EUV-97 Satchmo (av Hundremeterskogen)
Markpr Tell (1992)

FULDBP MARKPR Olaf ut Seelterlound
Ulf vom Nibelungenhort

Nadja ut Seelterlound
Markpr Uldjydens Tut Markpr Vestjyden's Aiko
Markpr Vestjyden's Diana
Munsdal's Gaya

Thaxmead Riesling

SH CH Lex vom Birkengrund of Thaxmead

SH CH Thaxmead Bucks Fizz
Keunbur's Ari Amor von der Eichenallee
Elfe von Wendlinghausen

NORDV-99 SV-00 Ichbin Rheingold
Blitzan Rendition

Raycris Royal Jester
Ch Raycris Sun Dazzler

SH CH Esther von Buschhausen

Gentle Zephyr of Home von Blitzan
SH CH Gorsebank Baron Gustav
Ardmore Sea Breeze
Ichbin Gretchen SH CH Gorsebank Baron Gustav SH CH Jemas Talent
SH CH Gorsebank Lady Annigrette
Gorsebank Dame Greta von Ichbin SH CH Jemas Troubadour
Gorsebank Countess Anna

Mating Partners: 0

Offspring: 0

Siblings: 12
(Engaviddens) Freya at Ichbin
(Engaviddens) Morna
(Engaviddens) Noldor
Engaviddens Colindo
Engaviddens Morko
Engaviddens Nandor
Engaviddens Sinda
Engaviddens Sindarin
Engaviddens Telerin
Engaviddens Tinta
Engaviddens Wilwa
Engaviddens Winta

Initiative of Line Oermen built by Sylvia Tucker (Copyright 2007-2021)