Large Munsterlander Database
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Help for the Large Munsterlander Database

How do I start working with the Large Munsterlander Database?

Dog info and Pedigree

Where can I find the "ID"?



How can I add or update a dog?

I need more help!

How do I start working with the Large Munsterlander Database?

The easiest way to start working with the Large Munsterlander Database is by browsing the content. You can click through pedigrees and go back many generations, viewing the pedigree and detailed information for each dog, and information about the owners or the breeders of the dog.

You can start exploring the website by following one of these links:

  • Newest Entries lists the newest entries and latest updates of existing entries.
  • browse dogs allows you to look through the dogs available in our database by name or country of birth.
  • Search for dogs by registered name (this is a simple search - available in the top right corner on each screen)
    To search for a Large Munsterlander, please enter the registered name, or part of the registered name of the dog you wish to look up, WITHOUT TITLES, and then hit enter or press the "Search" button.

    For example;
    "Freddy Dog"
    NOT "CH Freddy Dog"

    Note: diacritical marks are not used in the database because these are not recognised by the software and result in errors. For example Šaša Adčle would be entered as Sasa Adele.
  • Advanced search allows you to search for dogs by name, gender, date of birth, registration number, country of birth, and health reports. You may also search by ID number or health results using the "Search Dogs" options from the "Dogs" menu.

Dog Info and Pedigrees

On the top of the Dog Info and Pedigree page is the Dog Info - their name, registration number, date of birth, picture, medical info etc, where available. When there is no information available the field will not show until the information is filled in.

Calculate COI will perform a quick coefficient of inbreeding (COI) calculation over 8 generations. To see the most current calculation (eg if a pedigree has been updated), you need to "Calculate COI again".

Beneath this are options to perform a "Pedigree Analysis" over 8, 9 or 10 generations. This not only calculates coefficient of inbreeding, but also ancestor loss and percentage of blood. Results, and more information about these, including a table of ancestors, are displayed on a new page.

Below the 'Dog Info' is the Pedigree showing the selected number of generations. The default is 4 generations, and you may select from 1 through to 8. Underneath the pedigree are lists of known mates, offspring and full siblings.

There are also a few options for viewing other information immediately above the pedigree, on the right;

  • "View breeding info" provides more detailed information about the offspring and siblings of the dog you are looking at.
  • "Reverse pedigree" provides an overview of the offspring, going up to 8 generations.
  • "Vertical pedigree with Medical Information" shows all the siblings of the dogs in the pedigree and the medical information available for them.

Where can I find the "ID"?

For the various "Reports" the dog "ID" is required. This is the unique number each dog gets when it is added to the database.
You can find this ID under the dog's name on the dog info and pedigree page.


Various statistics are available from the database.

  • Advanced: gives an overview of the number of dogs in the database, champions, etc.
  • Breeding Statistics: lists the most prolific males and females that have been used for breeding. On top it gives how many different females and males are actually used for breeding.
  • Country of Birth: shows the number of Large Munsterlander in the database by country of birth.
  • Hip Results: shows an overview of the hip results.
  • Colors: shows an overview of the colors.
  • Birth Years: shows the dogs in the database by birth year, in 10 year periods.

The statistics are based on the information available in the database and are therefore only reliable to that extent.
If there are other statistics which you would like to see, contact us with your ideas!


Various reports may be run on the database.

  • Descendants: search for up to 7 generations of descendants from a nominated Large Munsterlander.
  • Ancestors: display all known ancestors for a nominated Large Munsterlander.
  • Exclude sires/dams: allows you to search for a prospective sire or dam and exclude all dogs descended from a dog or bitch that you nominate.
  • Orphans per dog: for a nominated Large Munsterlander, this allows you to search for ancestors that have unknown parents (holes in the pedigree).

How can I add or update a dog?

You can fill out the form and submit a pedigree here.
Or send a scanned pedigree or the information to us by email and we will be happy to add it.

I need more help!

Please contact us by email

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Initiative of Line Oermen built by Sylvia Tucker (Copyright 2007-2021)