Large Munsterlander Database
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Brenda vom Ahler Esch

Registration#: VDH ZGM 185/00
Sex: female
Date of Birth: 27 MAR 2000
Date of Death:
Country of Birth: Germany
Country of Standing: Germany
Color: Black/White

COI 8 gen: 12.018% Calculate COI again
Pedigree Analysis: 8 gen. 9 gen. 10 gen.
Theo Wittenberg, Germany
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The Weimaraner Pedigrees
Detailed Breeding info
Sire vW Eric Ciperro - ID: 7609, (male), 1998-1-27, VDH ZGM 28/98, Germany
Dam Tessa vom Bußhof - ID: 20900, (female), 1997-4-5, ZGM 140/97, Germany
Full Siblings
  1. Bonny vom Ahler Esch - ID: 23628, (female), 2000-3-27, VDH ZGM 184/00, Germany
  2. Baron vom Ahler Esch - ID: 23682, (male), 2000-3-27, VDH ZGM 172/00, Germany
  3. Brisko vom Ahler Esch - ID: 23683, (male), 2000-3-27, VDH ZGM 177/00, Germany
  4. Bingo vom Ahler Esch - ID: 23684, (male), 2000-3-27, VDH ZGM 175/00, Germany
  5. Bella vom Ahler Esch - ID: 23711, (female), 2000-3-27, VDH ZGM 179/00, Germany
  6. Bax vom Ahler Esch - ID: 31495, (male), 2000-3-27, VDH ZGM 173/00, Germany
  7. Benn vom Ahler Esch - ID: 31496, (male), 2000-3-27, VDH ZGM 174/00, Germany
  8. Bob vom Ahler Esch - ID: 31497, (male), 2000-3-27, VDH ZGM 176/00, Germany
  9. Bela vom Ahler Esch - ID: 31498, (female), 2000-3-27, VDH ZGM 178/00, Germany
  10. Bess vom Ahler Esch - ID: 31499, (female), 2000-3-27, VDH ZGM 180/00, Germany
  11. Bessy vom Ahler Esch - ID: 31500, (female), 2000-3-27, VDH ZGM 181/00, Germany
  12. Betty vom Ahler Esch - ID: 31501, (female), 2000-3-27, VDH ZGM 182/00, Germany
  13. Birke vom Ahler Esch - ID: 31502, (female), 2000-3-27, VDH ZGM 183/00, Germany
Half-Siblings on Sire's side
  1. Poly od Nezdickeho potoka - ID: 18377, (female), 2000-1-15, Czech Republic
  2. Paty od Nezdickeho potoka - ID: 18236, (female), 2000-1-15, Czech Republic
  3. Pegi od Nezdickeho potoka - ID: 18463, (female), 2000-1-15, CLP/VMO 922/04/04, Czech Republic
  4. Carlo von der Lippe - ID: 23672, (male), 2000-3-3, VDH ZGM 120/00, Germany
  5. Carlos von der Lippe - ID: 40557, (male), 2000-3-3, VDH ZGM 121/00, Germany
  6. Cent von der Lippe - ID: 40558, (male), 2000-3-3, VDH ZGM 122/00, Germany
  7. Cowboy von der Lippe - ID: 40559, (male), 2000-3-3, VDH ZGM 124/00, Germany
  8. Comet von der Lippe - ID: 40560, (male), 2000-3-3, VDH ZGM 125/00, Germany
  9. Cilla von der Lippe - ID: 40561, (female), 2000-3-3, VDH ZGM 126/00, Germany
  10. Cora von der Lippe - ID: 40562, (female), 2000-3-3, VDH ZGM 128/00, Germany
  11. Corry von der Lippe - ID: 40563, (female), 2000-3-3, ZGM 129/00, Germany
  12. Chico von der Lippe - ID: 23689, (male), 2000-3-3, VDH ZGM 123/00, Germany
  13. Conny von der Lippe - ID: 23688, (female), 2000-3-3, VDH ZGM 127/00, Germany
  14. Lexa vom Freihof - ID: 23709, (female), 2000-3-6, VDH ZGM 107/00, Germany
  15. Lady vom Freihof - ID: 23708, (female), 2000-3-6, VDH ZGM 105/00, Germany
  16. Linda vom Freihof - ID: 23666, (female), 2000-3-6, VDH ZGM 108/00, Germany
  17. Lando vom Freihof - ID: 23667, (male), 2000-3-6, VDH ZGM 98/00, Germany
  18. Leo vom Freihof - ID: 23686, (male), 2000-3-6, VDH ZGM 99/00, Germany
  19. Lara vom Freihof - ID: 9872, (female), 2000-3-6, VDH ZGM 106/00 - FIN 25554/00, Germany
  20. Lord vom Freihof - ID: 23710, (male), 2000-3-6, VDH ZGM 100/00, Germany
  21. Lump vom Freihof - ID: 40543, (male), 2000-3-6, VDH ZGM 101/00, Germany
  22. Lupo vom Freihof - ID: 40544, (male), 2000-3-6, VDH ZGM 102/00, Germany
  23. Lutz vom Freihof - ID: 40545, (male), 2000-3-6, VDH ZGM 103/00, Germany
  24. Lux vom Freihof - ID: 40546, (male), 2000-3-6, VDH ZGM 104/00, Germany
  25. Eiko vom Rannabach - ID: 40582, (male), 2000-4-25, VDH ZGM 216/00, Germany
  26. Elio vom Rannabach - ID: 40583, (male), 2000-4-25, VDH ZGM 217/00, Germany
  27. Endro vom Rannabach - ID: 40584, (male), 2000-4-25, VDH ZGM 218/00, Germany
  28. Erko vom Rannabach - ID: 40585, (male), 2000-4-25, VDH ZGM 219/00, Germany
  29. Eros vom Rannabach - ID: 40586, (male), 2000-4-25, VDH ZGM 220/00, Germany
  30. Exl vom Rannabach - ID: 40587, (male), 2000-4-25, VDH ZGM 221/00, Germany
  31. Eika vom Rannabach - ID: 40588, (female), 2000-4-25, VDH ZGM 222/00, Germany
  32. Eria vom Rannabach - ID: 40589, (female), 2000-4-25, VDH ZGM 223/00, Germany
  33. Femke van 't Proostmeer - ID: 16164, (female), 2000-8-14, NHSB 214484 , Netherlands
  34. Ned. Kamp. Firsty van t' Proostmeer - ID: 15819, (female), 2000-8-14, NHSB 2314486 , Netherlands
  35. Falco van 't Proostmeer - ID: 16162, (male), 2000-8-14, NHSB 214482 , Netherlands
  36. Floris Max van 't Proostmeer - ID: 16163, (male), 2000-8-14, NHSB 214483 , Netherlands
  37. Fjorda van 't Proostmeer - ID: 16165, (female), 2000-8-14, NHSB 214485 , Netherlands
  38. Fella Cera van 't Proostmeer - ID: 16166, (female), 2000-8-14, NHSB 214487 , Netherlands
  39. Fekete Mazzel van 't Proostmeer - ID: 16167, (female), 2000-8-14, NHSB 214488 , Netherlands
  40. Florence van 't Proostmeer - ID: 16168, (female), 2000-8-14, NHSB 214489 , Netherlands
  41. Andra vom Ehrenhof - ID: 12769, (female), 2000-11-8, OHZB GRM856 , Austria
  42. Alina vom Ehrenhof - ID: 12771, (female), 2000-11-8, OHZB GRM858 , Austria
  43. Aomi vom Ehrenhof - ID: 12770, (female), 2000-11-8, OHZB GRM857 , Austria
  44. Apollo vom Ehrenhof - ID: 12768, (male), 2000-11-8, OHZB GRM855 , Austria
  45. Akim vom Ehrenhof - ID: 12767, (male), 2000-11-8, OHZB GRM854 , Austria
  46. Azuma vom Ehrenhof - ID: 12766, (male), 2000-11-8, OHZB GRM853 , Austria
  47. Akira vom Ehrenhof - ID: 12765, (male), 2000-11-8, OHZB GRM852 , Austria
  48. Aoki vom Ehrenhof - ID: 12764, (male), 2000-11-8, OHZB GRM851 , Austria
  49. Aron vom Ehrenhof - ID: 12762, (male), 2000-11-8, OHZB GRM850 , Austria
  50. Karo von den Reithkampen - ID: 23649, (male), 2001-1-11, ZGM 19/01, Germany
  51. vW Amsel von Lilienthal - ID: 5461, (female), 2001-1-28, VDH ZGM 57/01, Germany
  52. Anton von Lilienthal - ID: 5569, (male), 2001-1-28, ZGM 53/01, Germany
  53. v.W. Artus von Lilienthal - ID: 5706, (male), 2001-1-28, ZGM 54/01, Germany
  54. Astor von Lilienthal - ID: 23571, (male), 2001-1-28, ZGM 55/01, Germany
  55. Atilla vom Lilienthal - ID: 23596, (male), 2001-1-28, ZGM 56/01, Germany
  56. Anni vom Lilienthal - ID: 23620, (female), 2001-1-28, ZGM 58/01, Germany
Half-Siblings on Dam's side
  1. Arko vom Ahler Esch - ID: 20901, (male), 1998-12-14, VDH ZGM 317/98, Germany
  2. Alex vom Ahler Esch - ID: 20902, (male), 1998-12-14, VDH ZGM 318/98, Germany
  3. Amigo vom Ahler Esch - ID: 20903, (male), 1998-12-14, VDH ZGM 319/98, Germany
  4. Arno vom Ahler Esch - ID: 20904, (male), 1998-12-14, VDH ZGM 320/98, Germany
  5. Aron vom Ahler Esch - ID: 20905, (male), 1998-12-14, VDH ZGM 321/98, Germany
  6. Axel vom Ahler Esch - ID: 20906, (male), 1998-12-14, VDH ZGM 322/98, Germany
  7. Aika vom Ahler Esch - ID: 20907, (female), 1998-12-14, VDH ZGM 323/98, Germany
  8. Anka vom Ahler Esch - ID: 20908, (female), 1998-12-14, VDH ZGM 324/98, Germany
  9. Anja vom Ahler Esch - ID: 20909, (female), 1998-12-14, VDH ZGM 325/98, Germany
  10. Assy vom Ahler Esch - ID: 20910, (female), 1998-12-14, VDH ZGM 326/98, Germany

Initiative of Line Oermen built by Sylvia Tucker (Copyright 2007-2021)